Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Santa is in town!

Christmas…...., and this time of year usually results in giving lots of presents. Here are our top pics for giving to the smokers and e-smokers you know!

We’ve got quite a lineup. If you are a vapor smoker yourself, it may be hard not to do some shopping for yourself while you’re at it!

For newbies; smokers who have yet to start using electronic cigarettes; or e-smokers you know who are not satisfied with their e-cig company: check out our lineup of e-cigarette starter kits.

For those you know who really could benefit from e-cigarettes but may be a little hesitant to try them; or for someone special who already is using them and would enjoy one more option, our E-cigarette calibre Kit is a great gifts, that offer a different perspective on INCIG quality and ingenuity.

They are the perfect stocking filler, and they will give users the freedom of a two-piece e-cig, which is quite similar to using a traditional tobacco cigarette. You can use them straight from the package, no charging or lighting is involved is needed.This makes a perfect introduction to electronic smoking, or a convenient go-to for e-smokers on the go!

Also, if holiday travels are on your agenda, consider a pack for yourself! So while the holidays can be loaded with stress and headaches, we’ve got you covered when it comes to gift buying for the nicotine lovers in your life! Great prices, great options, and you get to give really meaningful gifts. Thanks for choosing INCIG!

Sunday, 2 December 2012

It's the season to be jolly!

Ah, Christmas. We look forward to it all year, and when it finally gets here, is it really all good fun? Family get-togethers, feasts of food, beer and wine flowing endlessly, the hustle and bustle of getting to the next gathering decently on time.

Watching your mouth around your grandparents, sitting on the sidelines when dueling political conversations arise, football trash-talk, eating way too much of said Christmas left-overs, being careful not to down too many glasses of wine. The best time of the year can also be the most stressful time of the year!

For smokers, having a smoke can mean a fantastic escape! A pleasant little interlude to break away from the crowd, maybe help your digestion a little by slowing down the intake, getting a breath of fresh air.

Cigarettes are pretty well known for offering some stress relief, and if you are among those who have switched over to e-cigarettes, vapour is no different! In fact, smoking vapour cigs can often provide even more stress relief than traditional cigs because they are so much more convenient to use, anytime, anywhere!

Even if you can use them indoors, heading out for a “smoke” is a perfectly fine excuse when you’re using your e-smoke, and just need a few moments to regroup.

Want to know how to handle the Christmas period with as little stress as possible? First of all, make sure you are using e-cigarettes. If all else fails, you’ve got your nicotine and vapour, and you’re set.

Get used to the fact that you can’t control everything, some things are inevitable, like political debates amongst extended family members. Starter kits and extra e-cig accessories make excellent gifts for the smokers in your life, and they are the perfect hostess gift for those throwing those parties.

If you overindulge in the food, have a few puffs, they will help you relax. If you have long, and somewhat uncomfortable distances to drive, your e-cigs can make it more enjoyable and tolerable.

Need a conversation starter during one of those long, awkward silent spells after Christmas dinner? Show Grandad how your e-cigarette works, you’ll knock his socks off!

During Christmas, no matter the situation, electronic smoking can make everything a little brighter!

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

The latest Celebrity e cigarette gossip!

Celebrities really love their e-smokes. Since his big night out a few months ago, hearthrob Robert Pattinson has not been seen without an electronic cigarette. He and ex-girlfriend, now current girlfriend, Kristen Stewart have been pretty famous for their tobacco puffing, but since their split he has been quite the fan of vapour.

The latest news on this front has been that fellow e-cigarette smoker, Leonardo DiCaprio has taken Pattinson under his wing, and has been something of a mentor to the Twilight star. It has been reported that it was DiCaprio himself who introduced Pattinson to e-cigs, and they have really changed smoking for him.

Pattinson’s camp, on the other hand, have denied these rumours entirely as untrue. In other news concerning Pattinson and e-cigarettes, has also shared his with Bel Ami co-star, Uma Thurman, who was glad to try it!

We are always excited to hear about the latest celebs to quit the smoke and opt for vapour cigs, so we wish the best for all of these Hollywood megastars, and are just happy that they’re staying clear of tobacco!

Celebrities are always up on current trends, and they always take an even greater notice when they involve health and wellness. For a star like Robert Pattinson who has millions of young fans, he is setting a great example choosing not to smoke cigarettes.

If your a smoker, why not follow in the foot steps of the famous and try out our incig electronic cigarette range.

We promise you wont be disappointed!

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Roll up, Roll up.....I think NOT!

Many smokers believe that roll-your-own or RYO cigarettes are not as harmful as manufactured cigarettes. Many RYO smokers change to smoking roll-ups rather than stop smoking in the mistaken belief that they will smoke less tobacco and inhale fewer toxic chemicals.  
But hand-rolling tobacco is as just as harmful as the tobacco in manufactured cigarettes.  Research using roll-up cigarettes made by smokers, shows that the levels of nicotine and cancer-causing chemicals inhaled are often higher than those from bought cigarettes.  RYO cigarettes are more likely to cause mouth, throat and lung cancer as well as lung diseases such as emphysema and heart disease.

Tar yields

Tar yields for roll-ups are higher than for most manufactured brands.  Researchers asked 26 regular RYO smokers to make a number of their usual roll-ups.  The researchers then tested the RYO cigarettes and showed that over half of the hand-rolled cigarettes gave tar yields above the current maximum level of 15 mg for manufactured cigarettes.  Tar contains most of the cancer-causing chemicals and lung irritants.

Nicotine yields

Nicotine yields from hand-rolled cigarettes are often higher than for manufactured cigarettes.  Less than one in ten cigarette brands in the UK has a declared nicotine yield above 1.5mg per cigarette in laboratory tests. Over three quarters of the RYO cigarettes in the study produced a nicotine yield above this level.

Humectants in hand rolling tobacco

There are more humectants in rolling tobacco than in manufactured cigarettes.  Humectants are added to prevent the tobacco from drying out and to make it taste smoother.   Humectants yield some very toxic chemicals such as acrolein.

Lack of filters

Filters in RYO cigarettes are not always used but they remove almost a half of the tar and nicotine. However, even with filters, smokers tend to compensate if they don’t get enough nicotine by smoking more or taking deeper puffs to ‘top-up’ nicotine levels.  Filters don’t reduce the carbon monoxide.

RYO smokers have higher nicotine dependence

A study compared addiction levels of RYO smokers with smokers who use the same number of manufactured cigarettes per day.  People who smoke roll-ups are generally more addicted to nicotine and are less likely to stop smoking.  Some highly addicted smokers use roll ups because it gives them more control over the nicotine ‘dose’.  

Who smokes roll-ups?

The majority of RYO smokers in the UK are older men.    A quarter of all male smokers use rolling tobacco.  Less than one in twenty women smokers uses RYO.  A third of poorer smokers use roll-ups because rolling tobacco is cheaper.   

Higher tar - lower tax

EU regulations for tar and nicotine levels in cigarettes do not apply to rolling tobacco even though most of the RYO cigarettes are more dangerous than manufactured cigarettes. Hand-rolling tobacco is taxed and priced at a lower level – about half that of packaged cigarettes.  In countries where cigarettes are cheap or rolling tobacco is expensive, very few people use RYO cigarettes.  In the Netherlands more than half of all tobacco smoked in the country is RYO because of price differences.

Similar to manufactured cigarettes, tar and nicotine levels need to be restricted and smokers informed of the increased dangers of smoking without a filter.   Higher tax on cigarettes and rolling tobacco would encourage more smokers to quit or try INCIG electronic cigarettes.

Monday, 5 November 2012

The Future's Bright, the Future 'is' INCIG

There’s no getting around it; the future of smoking is WITHOUT a doubt electronic. It is predicted that within a few short years, more people will be smoking e-cigarettes in favour of traditional smokes, as tobacco continues to be replaced. Wouldn’t you choose the healthier of the two options, if the sensation was the same? 
Tobacco has been problematic from the beginning of its rampant use. Commercially produced cigarettes saw the market skyrocket.
The war on tobacco has been going on for a long time now, especially when it comes to the marketing geared towards youth. Cigarette companies have long targeted teenagers and even children, utilizing every possible attempt to make cigarette smoking seem attractive, glamorous, cool, and macho. Thankfully, the majority of this marketing has been reduced to an extreme minimum, and children and teenagers are more aware than any previous generation how terrible cigarettes are.
Electronic cigarettes are much more in tune with the way modern people are living. Most people do not have the time to sit back and smoke cigarettes lazily, dealing with ash trays and the litter that follows.

Cigarettes also pose the problem of not being accepted everywhere, and it can be quite a burden to be constantly searching for a place to smoke or where you feel comfortable smoking without creating a burden on others. With less and less people smoking, most do not want to inhale second hand smoke!

The majority of people are also constantly pressed for time and do not have any to waste. All of these small reasons really begin to add up, and it really is hard to have to set aside so much time and exert so much energy planning just to accommodate a smoking habit!

E-smokes are not just easier to use because they are smoke- and mess-free, but also because of the many options you get with e-cig accessories, you can tailor your vaping to fit your life! E-cigarette refills are also much simpler. When you vape, you simply vape.

Second hand smoke, or any smoke for that matter, lighters, ash, butts, and feeling self conscious all the get thrown out the window (without littering) because they simply become a thing of the past.

Simply put, e-cigarettes are the future of smoking because people want more simplicity to focus on the things that really matter. People (smokers) want the same freedom as non-smokers, without the trouble of offending others.

The future lies in our hands, and a future that involves cleaner, healthier, more conscious options is a whole lot brighter than the doom that lies is tobacco. With more people opting for vapour cigarettes over traditional, it’s pretty safe to say we are headed in that direction.

Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Smoke Less? - use INCIG e-cigarettes

One of best things about INCIG electronic cigarettes is that they are reusable, thus very environmentally friendly and a good way to enjoy nicotine. They are definitely the less consuming option.

Unlike cigarettes, which cause harm to those who use them, and those exposed to the second hand smoke, INCIG e-cigs go above and beyond to remain safe for humans and the planet.

While our electronic cigarette cartomisers are essentially made to be thrown away after use, they are still more responsible of a product. Just one of our cartomiser refill is equivalent to approx 30 traditional cigarettes, making them a lot less wasteful.

So even if you smoke a pack of 20 a day, you are going to take that down to less than one e-cig refill every two days, pretty impressive eh?

Also to consider, they are much less likely to be discarded as irresponsibly as typical cigarettes by users just throwing them on the floor after use as is often the case with cigarette butts.

INCIG e-cigs are definitely better for your health, the environment, and better value for money as the price per cigarette is an amazing 6p per equivalent cigarette. That means that 20 electronic cigarettes is £1.20. We will leave you to do the maths.

So because each of our electronic cigarette refill cartomisers is equal to around one 30 cigarettes, it means that you will undoubtedly have lots of spare cash at your disposal.

There are other ways in which INCIG e-cigs can positively influence your cash flow. There will be no need to continually purchase lighters. Your surroundings will be free from smelly smoke thus you will no longer need to buy ‘additional’ cleansing products which disguise the smell of the traditional cigarette, such as fragrances, air refreshers, air filters, chewing gum, teeth whiteners……do we need to go on?!

We aren’t saying you won’t use any of those things again once you get rid of the tobacco cigarettes for INCIG e-cigs, but we will bet that you wont need to buy as many and use them less, ultimately saving you more in the long run.

It is clear in our society today that people are now more conscious of the products they purchase. If you have a choice, are you more likely to choose the more responsible route?

People are more conscious of their health then ever before, the environment, and how much they pay for products than ever before.

So when choosing ‘a way’ to smoke, e-cigarettes are the ‘ONLY’ way to go.

Monday, 29 October 2012

INCIG e-cigs takes the fright out of Halloween

It’s always a good time to choose e-cigarettes over a traditional smoke, and hey, Halloween is nearly upon us, and it’s as good a time as any! While Halloween is on the brain, here are 5 good reasons why the scariest night of the year should not involve tobacco smoke!

1. Halloween is especially fun for the children, and it’s never appropriate to smoke cigarettes around them. Exposing them to smoke can be totally avoided, whether you just stop yourself from smoking in their presence, or you do the intelligent thing and use electronic cigarettes. This way, when you’re trick or treating, or handing out sweets to the hordes of revellers, you don’t put anyone in uncomfortable situations, and you can have your cake and eat it too!
2. If you are to indulge on some forbidden vice on Halloween let it be sweets, and not smoke, if you are to choose between them. INCIG e cigarettes are much gentler on the system, no matter what time of year anyway.

3. Halloween parties are fun, but smokers in large social gatherings usually get sent out to pasture. Stay indoors and electric smoke, don’t miss any of the party, and infuriate no one with smoke.
4. The clocks have just gone back and some places in the UK are already experiencing cold weather. Getting on all your winter warmers up to smoke outside is such a ‘drag’. Again, e-cigs are perfectly fine indoors, and even if Halloween is just another night of the week for you and don’t even intend on handing out treats, you won’t have to brave cold.
5. Did you know that Halloween’s original roots can be traced back to the Pagan and Druid times of the Celtic world? It was technically their “New Year” so in that vain, start your year right, with a purposeful resolution to quit smoking, and use INCIG e cigarettes so you can still have the pleasure, none of the pain, and be free from the smoke!

Wednesday, 10 October 2012

How 'you' can save money with INCIG Electronic Cigarettes

Are you in the know about all the ways INCIG offers you ways to save money? Many people get really intrigued about e cigarettes when they learn that they are considerably less expensive than traditional cigarettes.
However INCIG takes this even further by offering our customers numerous ways to make their money go even further. Here is a look at them. Take note, because our e-cigs are not just the best quality, most advanced on the market, they are also the most affordable!
Cartomisers: Our cartomisers cost way less than cigarettes. Each cartomiser is designed to exceed between 25 and 30 traditional pack of cigarettes, and the conversion cost equivalent is approximately £1.20 for 20 real cigarettes. When you factor in all of the other benefits… you more than get your money’s worth!
Our Home Delivery Program is the only way to purchase our product, we offer you convenience and savings.
Check out our Facebook page! We offer weekly deals, daily deals, and midnight madness sales, contests, and giveaways all the time. Also, it costs you nothing to LIKE us!
Recommend a Friend: Our Referral Program is one of our most popular offerings. It’s really simple, for every friend you refer who makes a Start kit purchase, you and your friend both receive a box of cartomisers of your choice absolutely free. On their first order, you and your friend(s) will receive a request from us asking what flavour you would like to receive.
INCIG E-Cigarette Starter Kits: The best way to get started or add to your personal collection. The kits come in various set ups, offering a variety of different accessories and battery options, and they let you purchase everything needed to start e smoking at a lesser price.

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Stoptober 2012 kicked-off on Monday 1st October and runs for 28 days – and INCIG wants to play a pivotal role in helping you to kick the habit.
We have all seen the blatant warnings signs thrown across cigarettes packets! So more than ever, it serves as a reminder that opting for alternative cigarettes is a lot safer.
In Britain 21% of adults smoke cigarettes. In Northern Ireland 24% of adults smoke. It remains the UK’s single greatest cause of preventable illness and early death, with an estimated 102,000 people dying in 2009 from smoking related diseases including cancers.
Backing the Stoptober campaign the Governments most senior advisors, Chief Medical Officer Professor Dame Sally Davies said in a press release “smoking is still the biggest cause of premature death in England, taking more than 100,000 lives in the UK every year.
"This is the first time that we have launched a mass quit attempt like Stoptober. I would encourage people who want to quit to get involved."
Thanks to electronic cigarettes, tobacco numbers are dramatically on the decline. As e cigs take away the toxic smoke, the tobacco, and the four thousand deadly chemicals, you have left a product void of all the harmful parts of cigarettes.
Without tobacco smoke, there is no chance of tar being left as a residual. With water vapour, there is none of the carbon monoxide that comes from burning particles. In fact, with e-cigs, nothing is burned whatsoever! It is an entirely electronic device!
If you are a smoker, do you regularly think, really think, about your habit and it’s dangers?
Tobacco has been contributed to many thousands of deaths, and somewhere in the vicinity of 100 million during the 20th century. It’s not speculation, it’s 100% proven that smoking kills.
I know if I was faced with the constant reminder, on a cigarette pack alone, I would be highly annoyed and would probably quit from being constantly reminded. Think you’ll miss the flavour?
INCIG offers a wide range of great e-cig flavours, a tobacco flavour, as well as menthol and three other delicious varieties.
So if you are a cigarette smoker, don’t you think it’s time to follow the rest of the countries smokers and help to make the Stoptober as successful as it can be and  enjoying nicotine the e cig way?
Wouldn’t you feel better knowing you are no longer consuming something deadly and dangerous?

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

Answering all those Questions about payment through Paypal

Currently we only have Paypal as an option for payment, but YOU CAN use Paypal without having a Paypal account!!
When you have checked your shopping basket and then updated your personal details, and then confirmed the order, when you click to make payment you will be presented with a Paypal screen, or an instruction to click the Paypal link.
At the top right is the normal Paypal login if you are already a member and below is an option to pay by card as Paypal guest just under where it says :
Don’t have Paypal account?
Use your credit card or bank account (where available). Continue
Click Continue and you are able to pay using a card without signing up for a Paypal account.
Basically, Paypal administer the payment on behalf of both of us, with no cost to you!

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

The Start kit Choices - Making it easier

If you are contemplating trying INCIG electronic cigarettes, or even if your a seasoned e smoker, sometimes choosing an e-cigarette starter kit can be difficult. It might seem simple, but in reality it can be filled with questions and second guessing. If you are new to e cigarettes, how do you really know what accessories you will need?
And because we’re the best people to give advice in the matter, here is a bit of help meant to make it all a little easier and hopefully shed some light on the different options you have at your disposal.
INCIG has 4 different starter kits. For beginners, we would recommend that ‘all’ opt for the Calibre kit. It is cost effective, very simple to use and high-quality so you can experience this new phenomena without breaking the bank.
The INCIG Calibre budget Starter Kit is the most basic kit. It comes with the basics, but still allows for great convenience and usability. 1 standard size battery, a USB charger and 3 cartomizer refills which is around the same as 90 cigarettes. At £23.99, this starter kit is extremely affordable without losing anything.
The INCIG Excellence Starter Kit is a major step up from the basic, and differs in that it comes with a Portable Charge Case which is very robust and allows you to charge batteries on the go up to 4 times. It also comes with 1 standard size battery, a USB charger and 8 cartomizer refills which is around the same as 240 cigarettes, at fantastic price at £36.99.
The INCIG Avantis Starter Kit goes further with accessories, offering customers 2 batteries, USB Charger and Wall charger and the same portable charge case. This also comes 8 cartomizer refills equivalent to 240 cigarettes.

This is a great starter kit for experienced users who know what kind of accessories they want, and what work well for them. It also makes a great kit for a beginner because it gives so many options, and gives a great overview on the many conveniences e-cigs offer. Pricier than the smaller kits, this kit is specially priced right now at £42.99 (reduced from £50.00).
And finally, our flag ship start kit, the Ultimate iPack. The most exclusive and inclusive of all the starter kits. For beginners and experts who know they want all of the most important accessories, and every possible convenience, this is the kit to get! It’s an unbelievable value, and will ensure the absolute most freedom and flexibility when smoking electronically.

This has been ergonomically designed to resemble an iphone, offering the same slim dimensions. It comes with 2 batteries, USB Charger and Wall charger and slim line portable charge case. This also comes 9 cartomizer refills equivalent to an amazing 270 cigarettes. This is the ‘ultimate’ starter kit and the best in the market place.
So that’s an overview of INCIG’s amazing starter kits. As you can see, there really are a lot of options, as well as something to please anyone. Whether you want to play it really safe with Calibre, or go for the Ultimate experience, it’s your choice!

Monday, 13 August 2012

INCIG - Helping to maintain the environment

INCIG is committed to standards of excellence and high morale. Our products provide an invaluable service and benefit the lives of our user’s greatly.
We proudly stand by our electronic cigarettes for the positive impact they are having on the health of people choosing to opt for smokeless tobacco, as well as the health of the environment of which is getting polluted far less because less people using tobacco smokes.
The UK is taking cigarette butt pollution to a new level. Cigarette pollution is definitely not a new issue, and is responsible for problems throughout the world. After a cigarette is finished, it is just too easy for the user to flick it to the ground, careless of the after effects of the pollution.
As a brand of e-cigarettes, offering an alternative to the horror that is cigarettes is the core of what our business essentially is. We are thrilled that cities are now seeing the need to motivate their people to maintain smokeless environments.
Electronic cigarettes allow customers the freedom of being smokeless, of protecting their bodies from the ills of tobacco smoke and residual tar. They also provide freedom from the litter and the mess that is too often left behind after the pleasure has been inhaled. You can literally smoke an INCIG e-cig wherever you want without the threat of smoke. With excellent reusable batteries, vapor cigarettes are keeping a lot of rubbish out of the environment, as well as off the grounds!

Wednesday, 8 August 2012 actually enough!

Take a second to browse the Internet for the best electronic cigarette, and you’ll find all sorts of options and opinions. From 2 piece design, Ego tank systems and dual-coil, low-resistance atomizers, to variable voltage batteries the size of a torch built in the 80’s
All sorts of contraptions are offered today, each with the single promise of offering you ever-increasing volumes of vapor.  Since when did vapor production become the sole consideration in gaining the distinction of “best?”

Ask yourself this question: When is enough…enough?

More to the point, when is it simply too much? After all, aren’t we just trying to replace the modest tobacco cigarette and the comfort and convenience of that short break we so desperately need in our busy day?

So many well-intentioned companies have jumped on this ship, offering massive clouds of vapor, but with each new advancement requiring stronger and larger lithium batteries, clunky devices and leaky liquid reservoirs, it’s clear that this line of thinking is taking us further and further away from a simple and elegant smoking solution.

Do we really need an arsenal of equipment, creating a vapor cloud of this magnitude to replace the humble tobacco cigarette?

Over-focus on the amount of vapor production has led review site critics and commenter’s to make it seem like the vapor production of these systems is the sole criterion for having the ultimate e cig experience.

But, what about factors like convenience, dependability, discretion or simplicity? If the tobacco cigarette is the standard and ideal of the smoking experience, how could a five-piece device the size and weight of an electric toothbrush with a liquid tank and a push button toggle switch come anywhere close to replicating the experience?
Consumers and companies singing the praises of more and more vapor are similar to high-performance car enthusiasts. Both groups live by the rule that more noise and more power provide a greater overall experience.

To them, weekends spent researching and tinkering in the garage are weekends invested, not weekends wasted.

Failed experiments become conversation starters and each new component purchase shipped from china and soldered into a chassis brings them closer to realising their own customised super car. It’s not a habit; it’s a hobby.

Have you ever spent a weekend trying to figure out how to get more nicotine out of a tobacco cigarette? The answer is likely no. For many of us, a cigarette is the perfect complement to our real hobbies: drinking, fishing, walking etc. Time spent tinkering on a vapor maker merely takes us further away from what we want to be doing.

So, back to the original question at hand:  How much vapor is enough? Do you really need to inhale five cubic tons and £1.50 worth of nicotine per puff just to get your fix? Is the trade-off between time spent tinkering, carrying that thing around, and explaining to everyone who sees it that it is not a bomb or a medical device really worth the huge plume of vapor you expelled with each drag?

According Doctors, one standard puff of nicotine reaches the brain within 10-20 seconds, as stated in examination of Nicotine Chemistry.

Studies further reveals that nicotine consumption can in fact be manipulated by puff volume, depth of inhalation and rate of intensity. So, it stands to reason that a big cloud equals a big nicotine hit.

Yet, It should be noted that his study is based on tobacco cigarettes and smoke, and not the electronic vapor producing devices. Nicotine transfer with electronic cigarettes relates to the amount of nicotine present in the mixture, but the amount of vapor itself relates more directly to the amount of propylene glycol in the mixture.

Huge vapor clouds are pleasing to the eye, but if you are looking for a strong smoke, don’t be fooled by what is merely cosmetic trimming—smoke and mirrors if you will.

All the above points are underlying tenets of INCIG belief in offering the most premium product available, an elegant reliable smoking solution that is as easy to use as a tobacco cigarette that gives you the smoking satisfaction you want, without alarming.

On your journey to find the perfect tobacco-alternative-smoking-device, don’t settle for anything else. With INCIG electronic cigarettes, you won’t get more than you need, just more than you expect.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

E- Cigarette Revolution

About a decade ago, electronic cigarettes came into the headlines. They may have been featured on a TV program, or there was a vague mention of them in the backend of a magazine or newspaper.
But, that was it. There was nothing concrete. They were hard to get, you couldn’t buy them in the shops, your friends weren’t using them, the advantage of using them was unclear.
And basically, they just seemed to be another wacky gimmick, like the hoola hoop, which was here today, gone tomorrow. Maybe people ‘overseas’ were using them, but here in the U.K, their existence went virtually unnoticed.
Electronic Cigarette use has quadrupled over the last year. It’s amazing how far the electronic cigarette industry has come since those early beginnings. E-cig conversations are no longer relegated to the backs of magazines. They are no longer the ‘crazy’ invention you hear about but never see. And their advantages are anything but unclear.
With no smoke, no offensive smell, and no ash, it has become clear the electronic cigarette revolution is here to stay. Don’t believe us, just look at the signs:
  • Celebs have jumped aboard such as Catherine Zeta Jones, Leonardo DiCaprio, Katherine Heigl and Lindsay Lohan have all been seen using e cigs.
  • Sales of electronic cigarettes keep on rising year on year.
This is only the beginning. The electronic cigarette revolution has just started. 

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

So what so dangerous about smoking Tobacco cigarettes

While this may seem like a self-explanatory question, cigarette smoke possesses a variety of different ways it is harmful. From the amount of chemicals that are laced into each cigarette, which then get inhaled into the lungs, and the effects smoke has once it has been released, smoke has the ability to strike first hand, second hand, and third hand. Here is a look at all the many sides of tobacco smoke, and why going smokeless is the best way to get your nicotine.
With tobacco, tar and smoke go hand in hand. Did you know that smoking a pack a day, after an entire year, will have deposited a quart of tar into your lungs? Im sure you will agree this is a frightening thought. What’s even scarier is that it comes from smoke, and is residual. Therefore, every single cigarette that is smoked leaves behind quantity of tar, and this goes for the smoker as well as those exposed to their second hand smoke.
Smoke pollutes the air, indoors and outdoors. Obviously, in outdoor settings, the ventilation is usually enough to get rid of it, but indoors it’s a different story. Indoor air pollution has been linked to countless breathing and health issues, and when you smoke cigarettes inside, it pushes the pollution level to its max.
Second hand smoke kills just as easily as doing it firsthand, and the effects of third hand can really be overshadowed by it. Third hand smoke refers to the toxic effects of smoke and it’s byproduct, tar, lingering on things like your skin and hair. People who have switched to INCIG electronic cigarettes always notice how quickly their hair and skin become healthier.
Many people are astounded when they learn of the chemicals that cigarettes have in them. Ammonia, formaldehyde, toluene, arsenic, butane are a mere scratch on the surface of the 4,000 toxins, many of which are known carcinogens. Ever hear of methane, also known as sewer gas as well as flatulence? Carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, and naphthalene are some of the others.
It’s no wonder that tobacco cigarette smoke is so incredibly harmful when these are the types of things put into them. Nothing kills more humans than tobacco, and it’s really time for people to switch to INCIG e-cigarettes!

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Smoking & the effects on your senses

Smoking cigarettes will adversely impact your sense of smell.  Smoking cigarettes will impair the sense of smell initially, but in the long-term permanent damage to your sense of smell will occur.  The sense of smell is also directly linked to the sense of taste.
The human nose has receptors called olfactory nerves.  The olfactory nerves are located in the back of the nose.  There are approximately five (5) to six (6) million olfactory nerves in the nose.  Smoking cigarettes diminishes your sensitivity to odor quality.  It is no wonder that food that does not smell good does not taste good either.  The more you smoke causes more and more damage to your sense of smell.  In severe cases, people have lost their sense of smell entirely.  Impairment and loss of smell occurs in both young adults and older adults.
Just think about the enjoyment that you will be missing if you lose your sense of smell because of smoking.  You will not be able to smell flowers like beautiful roses.  Sniffing the aroma of fine wine would be lost forever.  There will be no more recognition of your favourite perfume or aftershave.  That perfect delectable dish you always crave because of the exquisite smell and taste will be lost to you forever if you don’t quit smoking.
There is another severe consequence resulting from the loss of the sense of smell because of smoking cigarettes.  Your personal safety could be at risk.  If you have either impaired sense of smell or no sense of smell at all, you will not be able to adequately detect safety hazards such as gas leaks. 
Not detecting gas leaks could lead to serious hazards to both yourself and loved ones.  The inability to smell a smoldering fire would have the same disastrous consequences.  One final safety concern would be the inability to smell spoiled food.  There is no way in your right mind that you would go near spoiled food if your sense of smell was intact.  Consuming the bacteria of rotten and spoiled food could cause serious health problems.
Ask yourself.  Is the momentary satisfaction you obtain from puffing on cigarettes worth the long-term damage that you are causing to your sense of smell?  The logical answer is positively not.  What keeps you smoking then?  It is the never-ending chase for the nicotine your body is craving.
You can now get your nicotine from INCIG electronic cigarettes. INCIG Electronic cigarettes do not smoke so they will not damage all those nerves in your nose.  You will, also, not have to worry about the hundreds of other severe medical conditions that have been directly linked to smoking cigarettes. 
Look for INCIG electronic cigarettes to save your sense of smell.  You can then continue to savour the smells of your favorite perfume, flower, or food.  You can, also, have confidence in your safety from gas leaks, smoldering fires, or spoiled food.  If there is a viable alternative to normal cigarette smoking, why would you not at least try it?  

Monday, 9 July 2012

The history of Tobacco

After being grown and smoked by the Native Americans for decades, tobacco was the first crop sold for money by European settlers. Jamestown, the first American colony, grew tobacco as their main source of income. The first commercial, hand-rolled cigarettes were introduced in 1865 by Washington Duke in Raleigh, North Carolina. Along with chewing tobacco, cigarettes were sold to soldiers toward the end of the Civil War.
In 1870, the lowest rate of smokers on record was logged as just 0.4 cigarettes per capita smoking. The rate had jumped up to 8 cigarettes per capita smoking by the next decade. In 1881, with the invention of the cigarette-making machine by James Bonsak, smoking cigarettes became widespread. Bonsak and Washington Duke’s son, James “Buck” Duke, went into business. They built the first cigarette factory, which made 10 million cigarettes in the first year and close to 1 billion cigarettes by the fifth year. The cigarettes were called Duke of Durham and sold in a box with baseball cards. They went on to become the most famous cigarette brand in the world at the time.
By 1900, there were over 4.4 billion cigarettes being sold in the US. As advances in transportation, manufacturing, and packaging were made, the use of cigarettes spread nationwide. The introduction of book matches by Diamond Company made smoking cigarettes easy and portable. The advertising industry on both radio and television were booming. Though there were several tobacco companies making cigarettes, the largest and most dominant was the American Tobacco Company. It was started by two of the pioneers in the cigarette industry, Washington Duke and his son James “Buck” Duke. In the US, 9 out of every 10 cigarettes were sold from this company. Philip Morris introduced the popular Marlboro brand in 1902.
Most cigarettes during this time were sold to men, especially while overseas at war. Of the 300 billion cigarettes produced in 1944, about 75 percent went to service men. During World War II, cigarettes started to be marketed to women as well. In 1954, cigarette consumption peaked with 45 percent of the American population smoking cigarettes.
In the early 1900s, cigarettes had started to become taxed and regulated, and many health warning were issued in articles and journals throughout the world. Everything changed in 1964, when the US Surgeon General released a report linking cigarettes to lung cancer and other health risks. In 1965, warnings labels were required on all cigarette packages, and by 1971, radio and television advertisements were banned.
The 1980s became known as the “tar wars” as cigarettes companies fought to create low tar cigarettes in hopes of reducing the public’s fear. The competition to create cigarettes with less tar and nicotine, as well as improved filters, was aggressive. Over 100 new cigarette brands were introduced. However, with the ban on advertising and regulations on smoking in public, many companies looked toward selling their products overseas. 50 percent of American tobacco sales are now outside of the country, and the rate of smokers in the US has decreased dramatically.
Despite the backlash, tobacco and cigarette companies are still some of the most powerful and profitable. In 1992 alone, the Philip Morris company was the largest tax payer in the US.  In many ways, cigarette companies and government agencies work together, keeping the costs of making cigarettes cheap and the sale of them very profitable.

Friday, 6 July 2012

Massive growth within the E-cigarettes market

According to a recent report by a global financial services company, the electronic cigarette industry is currently experiencing an economical growth spurt. Based on the information acquired from reports, we’ve compiled the top five reasons why the e cigarette industry isn’t built upon a whim.

#5 – Health benefits – Although e cigarettes aren’t specifically “stop smoking” devices, the health implications are big, considering that tobacco cigarettes contain more than 4,000 dangerous chemicals like carbon monoxide that are not found in electronic cigarette vapor.  Imagine the impact this would have on the 1 billion worldwide smokers, as reported by the World Health Organisation.  The report also states that 79 percent of polled participants made return e cigarette purchases, and another 62 percent report smoking fewer traditional cigarettes because of the electronic variety.

#4 – Ease of purchase – 2012 has already seen dozens of companies release disposable e cigarettes, including INCIG’s new Eson range.  Most are available via the internet and some companies have now chosen to open up actual e-cigarette shops.

#3 – The cost factor – Although startup costs seem high, studies now show that a tobacco smoker will end up burning over £2000 a year on traditional cigarettes, while an e smoker could spend as little as £400 annually.

#2 – Proven staying power – Since the advent of the digital smoke, electronic cigarettes have seen triple-digit growth.  Couple that with a less-than-stellar performance by Nicotine Replacement Therapy products, such as patches and nicotine gums and it becomes evident that e cigs aren’t just a fad.

#1 – Convenience – Consumers have spoken, and they’re ecstatic about using their e cigs anywhere and everywhere. 

What are your thoughts on the electronic cigarette industry growth spurt?  Tell us in our INCIG comment's box on our main web site!.

Thursday, 5 July 2012

The Phychological Cravings of Smoking

Addiction to nicotine is one of the most difficult to overcome, and the psychological cravings can be an even greater challenge than the physical ones. To begin the process of quitting smoking, it is important to identify the difference between physical and psychological cravings.

Because nicotine is a stimulant, it increases blood flow to the brain within seconds of being used. It makes cigarette smokers feel more awake, alert, and focused. However, this is not because the nicotine itself makes smokers feel good. It is simply that with each new cigarette, smokers are ending a period of nicotine deprivation.

Smokers cannot feel normal without nicotine, because their brain is actually unable to function at a normal level without it. Once users quit smoking, and even after these physical withdrawal symptoms have faded, there are multiple psychological issues to deal with.

Many people that try to quit smoking don’t feel like themselves without cigarettes. This is the psychological addiction. As smokers, people become used to carrying a pack of cigarettes just as they carry their wallets, mobile phones, or car keys. Smoking becomes an integral part of who you are, and quitting can lead to a great sense of loss. Once the physical withdrawal symptoms have faded, it is normal to experience anxiety, depression, and other mental difficulties.

To overcome the psychological cravings of cigarettes, it is essential for those that are trying to quit smoking to recognise when and where their cravings occur. Many people include smoking as part of their daily routines, taking the time to enjoy a cigarette after meals, while drinking coffee, when socialising with friends, and so on.

Without these cigarette breaks, it can feel as if the entire day has been disrupted. In situations that people associate with smoking, they are more likely to give into cravings. Rather than needing the physical effects that nicotine has on the body, people crave the instant gratification they became accustomed too. This is why many stop-smoking products like patches and gums are often ineffective. It is not the nicotine that the body is missing; it is the act of smoking itself.

Identifying when, where, and why you smoke is the first step in fighting the psychological cravings. If possible, avoid situations or places you typically smoke and never have lighters or matches on hand.

Be sure to let those around you, especially friends and family, know that you’re no longer smoking. Sometimes just being aware of your habits as a smoker makes it easier to move on, but other times it is necessary to replace smoking with new habits. Whether it is going for a walk instead of having a cigarette after dinner, or simply taking a deep breath and reminding yourself of your goals, know that each time you say “no” makes quitting for good that much easier.

Another option that has helped thousands of people to quit smoking is electronic cigarettes. Once the addiction to nicotine ends, an electronic cigarette without nicotine can be a great tool for coping with the psychological addiction to smoking.

People typically smoke for the short-term benefits of cigarettes, such as sensory pleasure, oral gratification, and social interaction. Each of these psychological cravings can be fulfilled by switching to INCIG electronic cigarettes, which have the same look and feel of a traditional cigarette.

No matter which coping mechanisms are used to quit smoking, it is important to remember that cravings are often triggered by psychological cues rather than physical ones.

Physical addiction is to nicotine, whereas psychological addiction is to the act of smoking itself. Acknowledging the difference between the two is an important step in successfully quitting smoking.