Thursday, 19 July 2012

E- Cigarette Revolution

About a decade ago, electronic cigarettes came into the headlines. They may have been featured on a TV program, or there was a vague mention of them in the backend of a magazine or newspaper.
But, that was it. There was nothing concrete. They were hard to get, you couldn’t buy them in the shops, your friends weren’t using them, the advantage of using them was unclear.
And basically, they just seemed to be another wacky gimmick, like the hoola hoop, which was here today, gone tomorrow. Maybe people ‘overseas’ were using them, but here in the U.K, their existence went virtually unnoticed.
Electronic Cigarette use has quadrupled over the last year. It’s amazing how far the electronic cigarette industry has come since those early beginnings. E-cig conversations are no longer relegated to the backs of magazines. They are no longer the ‘crazy’ invention you hear about but never see. And their advantages are anything but unclear.
With no smoke, no offensive smell, and no ash, it has become clear the electronic cigarette revolution is here to stay. Don’t believe us, just look at the signs:
  • Celebs have jumped aboard such as Catherine Zeta Jones, Leonardo DiCaprio, Katherine Heigl and Lindsay Lohan have all been seen using e cigs.
  • Sales of electronic cigarettes keep on rising year on year.
This is only the beginning. The electronic cigarette revolution has just started. 

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