Friday, 3 May 2013

Why Hollywood loves Electronic Cigarettes - INCIG

Oh, Hollywood… the epicentre for all trends, the hotbed that designates all that is cool, the place to see and be seen! So when the Hollywood set totally embraces a movement, and after several years, only more stars have gotten into it, you know it’s big.

Such is the case with e-cigarettes. Many of us first heard of them when stars like Johnny Depp started flaunting his around town. Since then the number of celebs who’ve been switching to vapour has increased dramatically, and all the time we hear about new stars who get with the program.

Catherine Zeta-Jones (whose husband, Michael Douglas has famously battled cancer as a result of smoking), Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert Pattinson, Harrison Ford, Jeremy Piven, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton, Natasha Lyonne, Charlie Sheen, Kate Moss, Britney Spears, and Simon Cowell are just a few of the many who have been spotted using their e-cigs in the public eye!

Alternative cigs are not just a fashion statement for stars, however. While they are definitely fashionable, and they look great in the hands of anyone who uses them, they are the better option for getting your nicotine. Working in showbiz, there are long periods of waiting, and when you’re constantly waiting and kind of stressed, you need to fill those boring spaces with something, and cigarettes have always been there to do just that.

Yet cigarettes aren’t socially acceptable anymore, and tobacco smoke and tar kill, and they can really mar a youthful complexion. So, while working in this industry has its awesome perks, there are many attributes on the downside, and smoking doesn’t cut it anymore. Especially when the option of the exact same experience is available, even more conveniently with incig ecigs. It’s the best way to smoke comfortably because there is no smoke, no tar, no chemicals, no nasty filters, and nothing that will mess with the health or image.

One big difference for stars is that cigarettes make you look bad, and e-cigs make you look good. It’s a business all about looking good, so you see what they’re choosing! Are you tired of the smoke and the stigma? Try a starter kit, or some electronic cigarette disposables to see what e-cigs are all about!

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